Spectrum Terrace

Irvine, California

Client Irvine Company

Collaborators Pei, Cobb, Freed & Partners. LPA. Stantec

Recognition Costar Impact Award 2023. Commercial Development of the Year

Spectrum Terrace is a 1.1 million square foot office campus development in the heart of Irvine, California. Burton Studio provided master planning services to tailor the expansive building program to the site’s natural terrain and subsequently developed specific designs for each of three project phases. The buildings are unified by a framework of towering Canary Island Pines that were installed in specimen sizes to provide immediate scale to the architecture. Carefully crafted pedestrian pathways invite occupants to wander between focal courtyards, which include cafĂ© dining, conference facility, and fitness amenities. The final phase centers on a full 50 meter Olympic length swimming pool, a unique destination and crown jewel for this coveted workplace.